New Chiropractic Manual Therapy Patient
If you are a new chiropractic manual therapy patient, at your first visit…
Please wear/bring non-restricting clothing such as a t-shirt and gym shorts so that you are able to move comfortably while performing dynamic, biomechanical tests used to diagnose your condition.
If you are new patient seeking care (non- Personal Injury/carwreck/accident), please fill out the New Patient Intake forms.
Download here or click the button below.
Please bring any previous X-rays, MRI, labs, etc… with reports if possible.
If you are a Student, bring ID’s for discount.
We are not accepting any Personal Injury (Auto Accident) patients.
What can I expect on my first visit?
On your first visit, you will receive a comprehensive, functional exam that will evaluate joint motion, muscle tension and imbalances, gait analysis, and dynamic tests that are used to diagnose the problem. In the case of an acute, traumatic injury and other specific circumstances, an x-ray or other special imaging is sometimes warranted and will be conducted at a nearby Diagnostic Imaging Center.
New patient paperwork can be downloaded above to complete in the comfort of your home, and brought into the office at the time of your first visit. If paperwork is not filled out prior to your visit, please arrive 15-20 minutes early for your appointment to allow efficient time to complete it before your exam begins.
The initial visit generally takes approximately 40-60 minutes, where you will then discuss your options and future treatment plan with your Doctor. At that time, mutual goals are set between you and your Doctor and treatment may begin that day or on your next visit, depending on your specific circumstance.